Clairbourn Families Association (CFA)

The CFA is the heartbeat of the school, and Clairbourn is known for its strong and involved parent community. Right from the start, new families have many opportunities to connect with other parents and students in their child's grade.

All parents are automatic members of the Clairbourn Families Association (CFA) which provides enrichment activities and resources for students and the school throughout the year.

CFA volunteers organize Book Fairs, the Fall Social, the School Carnival, and the Spring Benefit, in addition to staffing Cougar Corner, Special Lunch Days, and Scrip and Uniform Sales.
All current parents are members of the Clairbourn Families Association (CFA). Use the button above to login to the CFA Group Page on CougarNet with lots of additional information about CFA activities, events, and resources.

Recent CFA Activities

CFA Parent Talk

Raising Innovators: Building Resilience for our Children

Read the full transcript from this CFA Parent talk given by speaker Georgie Wisen-Vincent. How do we develop resilience in our children? Collaborate with your kids! That's the key. What wires their brains? Experiences in relationship. The strongest experiences get wired in our brains.

8400 Huntington Drive | San Gabriel, CA 91775 626.286.3108 |
Private School Education for Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary School & Middle School. Serving Families in the Pasadena Area and San Gabriel Valley. Clairbourn is a 501(c)3 charitable organization (K-12 Private Schools) and accredited by CAIS and WASC. Child Care Facility license # 191500903.