Anti-Racism Statement and D.E.I.

Where We Stand on Racial Justice and Equality:
The racial injustices in the national spotlight and the history of racially biased systems require meaningful action and commitment from all members of society. It especially requires those not having such experiences to deeply listen, sincerely educate themselves, self-assess, and then find ways to take meaningful and sustained, effective action to ensure an equitable and safe society for all. 

Clairbourn’s Commitment to Listen:
As an educational institution for preschoolers through grade 8 students, Clairbourn commits to taking an ongoing stand to listen to voices in our community and beyond so individuals can share their experiences and their challenges. We endeavor to provide a safe space to meet and listen, and we will use what we learn as a guide to actions that will help our school provide an even more equitable, just, respectful, inspirational and supportive place to gain an education.

Clairbourn’s Commitment to Learn:
Our school’s mission is “Creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart,” and part of that heart is a commitment for Clairbourn to educate itself about all cultures, both the challenges and successes. With sincere love in our hearts, we care about doing the work it takes to learn about the history of racism in order to facilitate empathy and allied action. Each student should be equipped with the tools to learn to uncover unconscious bias, to understand the importance of equity for each individual, and to be alert to and to stop hurtful subliminal behaviors, microaggressions or alienation. They must also learn to value social justice and effective sustained action and to celebrate minority achievements and contributions to our world. 
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Clairbourn’s Commitment to Act:
Clairbourn is committed to examine and update our existing curricula and professional development to be intentionally more inclusive and informed about the history, experiences and voices of minorities, as well as the nature of racism and the systems that support it. A Clairbourn education includes taking personal responsibility and action that contributes to social justice for all. These conversations cannot be optional, and it falls on us as educators to help our students build awareness, empathy and understanding of the challenges faced in this world by others, and the role each of us needs to play in the fight for racial equality and respect. As we raise the leaders who will shape our world’s future, they must be equipped to build structures and systems which promote equality. 

Clairbourn values our partnership with community organizations for our professional development of faculty and staff, placement of minority students and information on how to support our minority students even better. We are actively working to increase the diversity of our applicant pool. In addition, Clairbourn is committed to ensure equitable hiring practices and is also evaluating its procedures.

The Clairbourn Code of Ethics:
Clairbourn recognizes that meaningful discussions about race can take place even with young children and commits to having those conversations. TheConsciousKid group on Facebook states that, “Silence about race can reinforce racism by letting children draw their own conclusions.” Clairbourn believes in teaching students to love what is good and right from a young age and to act in accordance with those values.  

Our school already has a proven framework in place to have the type of sustained and meaningful discussions which can be utilized to educate and hold us accountable on the issues of racism and social justice for not only our student body, but also our teachers, staff and community members. 

Our Character Education Program consists of a daily Morning Assembly that covers the Clairbourn Code of Ethics, as well as relevant topics to advance the character of our students. These character-building qualities and messages are then reinforced by the Clairbourn faculty and staff in their interactions throughout the school day.

The Code of Ethics puts a spotlight on the values honesty, respect, responsibility, spirituality, and citizenship—all of which can be employed in the fight against racism. 
8400 Huntington Drive | San Gabriel, CA 91775 626.286.3108 |
Private School Education for Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary School & Middle School. Serving Families in the Pasadena Area and San Gabriel Valley. Clairbourn is a 501(c)3 charitable organization (K-12 Private Schools) and accredited by CAIS and WASC. Child Care Facility license # 191500903.